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Tailor-made for SMEs Trans-national Access (TamaTA)


Rapid access for SMEs  and covid-19 projects available:  SMEs companies working with covid-19 projects are encouraged to apply access to light sources in an easy, rapid and confidential way. Companies interested can send the proposals using the following link: http://wayforlight.eu/en/industries/sme-access-proposal/

CALIPSOplus, through TamaTa, is providing SMEs access to light source infrastructures through a central entry point on the wayforlight portal.


  • Increase SME innovation and competitiveness through the use of light source infrastructures
  • Present the capabilities of the light source infrastructures to SMEs
  • Provide a way to SMEs to access to light source infrastructures
  • Overcome the roadblocks for SMEs to access to large research infrastructures
  • Provide to SMEs the competitive advantages of using the leading edge research infrastructures



CALIPSOplus, with TamaTA, will allow SMEs to go beyond the simple feasibility access foreseen in the industry networking activity (NA3) and to carry out a full experiment or set of experiments. To facilitate the access and to reduce costs, a remote access is foreseen based on sample mail-in without physical presence of the industrial researcher at the facility. In this way researchers from SMEs, normally with very tight budgets, will have the same access opportunities independently of their location within Europe and with respect to the light source. This access mode will be particularly valuable for SMEs located in countries without a national light source; whereas it will promote light sources use by SMEs located in regions around an existing light source. In addition, for non-expert SMEs, support for data analysis and interpretation will be offered.


SME access: wayforlight portal

The access will be based on a specific review system for SMEs in parallel to the established academic access route but following the same principles. This procedure will be as light as possible. The SME proposals will be evaluated by an independent selection panel composed of experts in industrial research. The SME researchers will prepare the proposals describing the experiment to be performed. The facilities will provide advice as the SME researchers may not be familiar with the available techniques at each facility. Each light source will be proactively canvassing SME in their regional and European ecosystems. Applications for access will be submitted to a central entry point on the wayforlight portal. The proposal confidentiality will be kept during the whole process.

Access by SME users will be offered in a coordinated way by the following light sources: ALBA, KIT-SYNCHROTRON, ELETTRA, ESRF, DESY, DIAMOND, XFEL, MAX IV, PSI and SOLEIL.

More information you can find here: