NA3 – European Light Sources for Industrial Innovation (ELSIIplus)
In CALIPSO, the ELSII task initiated a network between the light-source industry and business-office staff, not existing before. ELSIIplus will continue and strengthen this network.
Objectives of Networking Activity NA3 – ELSIIplus
ELSIIplus has three main objectives in three key areas:
- Cultural developments: Bring about change in industry attitude to light sources, and in a more common approach for light source to work together for industrial research and innovation (R&I).
- Build capacity in industry, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), to use light sources for their research and innovation needs.
- Test and validate: generate real world industry/SME access and light source exemplars.
ELSIIplus will provide the resources, largely in the form of personnel, to allow light sources to build an ecosystem with stakeholders in the regional ecosystems around the light sources. These actors include the growing mediator companies, bridging between industry and the light sources, research institutes and centres, and industry clusters. The further experience gained by ELSIIplus will be harvested and used to prepare a position paper looking ahead on how governments and stakeholders could encourage further and more valuable industrial exploitation of light sources and Research Infrastructures in general.
ELSIIplus links to a number of other work packages in CALIPSOplus: „WP3-NA2-Dissemination & Training on training“, „WP5-NA4-Striving for Sustainability for Photon Science in Europe“, „WP24-JRA2-Demonstrator of a Photon Science Analysis Service (DaaS)“, and importantly to the tailored Trans-national Access work package „WP22-TNA17-Tailor-made for SMEs Trans-national Access (TamaTA)“.
ELSIIplus will therefore have a core two-fold approach: geographically by working with regional ecosystems, this approach will target SME exploitation of the facilities, and at a broader scale with a wide network of light sources developing common tools for industry.