In order to achieve the goals of CALIPSOplus a comprehensive package of measures has been devised consisting of
- 4 Networking Activities (NA)
- NA1 – User tools for access and data management
- NA2 – Dissemination and Training
- NA3 – European Light Sources for Industrial Innovation plus (ELSIIplus)
- NA4 – Striving for Sustainability
- 2 Joint Research Activities (JRA)
- Trans-national Access Activities (TAA)
combined with an efficient management structure.
Networking Activities within CALIPSOplus
NA1 – User tools for access and data management
Further advance of the convenience of user access will be achieved by a continuous development of the portal and a proactive participation of the European Synchrotron and FEL User Organisation (ESUO) with the NA1 work Package. To improve the standardised proposal format (SPF) originally developed as a pilot within the CALIPSO project, and to realise the single entry point for proposal submission to any European light source, user offices as well as local IT experts will be directly involved. Existing data policies of facilities (based on the PaNdata Europe policy framework) will be harmonised and policies will be put in place at the facilities where such do not yet exist. Increasingly scientists use more than one analytical facility for their research projects. Out of the ~30,000 scientists using light sources, 55.5% use more than one light source, for their research. This strongly highlights the need for a collaborative and federated approach of data management and service provisioning. PanData-ODI alongside other initiatives delivered the web based Umbrella-ID authentication. Dissemination of related tools and coordinated development of Umbrella extensions will ensure that every new tool offered through this authentication will be transparent for all Umbrella users. Furthermore, the policies will constitute the basis for the development of a Data Management Plan for CALIPSOplus. User involvement will be pursued in close collaboration with other Networking Activities with the project.
NA2 – Dissemination and Training
The Networking Activities within NA2 addresses potential future users as well as the general public. The traditional and renowned HERCULES School will be supported. In addition a specific focus will be put on potential users from scientifically less active countries, particularly from Eastern Europe. This will be achieved with a proactive approach to universities, research institutions and industry in EU-13 states via colloquia to present the opportunities of synchrotrons and FELs. The implementation of a Twinning programme will enable exchange of experience, both in a type of mentoring and a hands-on training together with an experienced user group. HERCULES specialised courses will be offered in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The Open SESAME consortium will complement these courses by training schools for future users in the Middle East. Training and exchange programmes for engineers and technicians round-out this project. Public awareness will be raised through a CALIPSOplus website constantly updated by recent scientific highlights that, as far as possible, are communicated in a way that is understandable to the general public. The general public will also be addressed via social networks, by press releases, the publication of a booklet giving an understanding of light sources to pupils and the general public, and through open house days at the light sources.
NA3 – European Light Sources for Industrial Innovation plus (ELSIIplus)
With the Networking Activitiy NA3 CALIPSOplus will undertake novel measures to achieve a better use of light sources by European industry. Encouraging industry to use Research Infrastructures, including light sources, is an important goal set by Europe and tackled with a small but extremely successful work package in CALIPSO (FP7). CALIPSOplus will take the findings of the previous project and put them into action with a focus on the technology and innovative SMEs in the regions around light sources. Where relevant, these actions shall be linked to each Regional RIS3 (Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation) interest and motivation, contributing to the structuring of the European economic area. Assisting the work with industry will be the development of industrial information on the portal, common tools and, critically, the interlinked SME-dedicated trans-national access work package TamaTA.
NA4 – Striving for Sustainability
NA4 is the most future-oriented work package within CALIPSOplus with the aim to develop a portfolio of strategies to guarantee sustainability of trans-national access to accelerator-based light sources and of the joint activities of the European light sources consortium. CALIPSOplus will demonstrate realistic routes to sustainability of the tight collaboration of European accelerator-based light sources for the benefit of users and of Europe as a whole. Since the future of European light sources is tightly linked to a strong user base, business plans for ESUO as well as for the central information and access portal will be developed. As a truly cross-cutting activity NA4 will collect deliverables in the form of reports, white books, best-practise and user statistics, and develop a sustainability plan from these inputs. A business plan for a Joint European Travel Office to manage and finance experimental campaigns shall pave the way for sustainability of the trans-national access programme beyond future European framework programmes.