CALIPSOplus is offering a dedicated Staff Exchange Programme to the staff members of the partner synchrotron and FEL facilities. If you are keen to widen your horizon, to learn and to share experience and best practice with colleagues at other research infrastructures and you are open-minded and would like to get to know facilities and staff in your position in other European countries you are the the right person to participate in the CALIPSOplus Staff Exchange Program!
What we offer
- Direct contact with a person or a team matching your position on a synchrotron or a FEL in an European country other than the country of your home affiliation
- Possibility to exchange on own experience and best practice
- Hands-on training
- Short-term stay at a synchrotron
- Full coverage of travel and subsistence costs
Who can apply?
- Engineers
- Technicians
- Technical trainees
- User office staff
- IT staff
- Beamline Scientists (*not for beamtimes)
employed at one of the participating facilities are invited to apply for a staff exchange.
What we want to know
In order to consider your application for the staff exchange program , please let us know the following in a short email:
- Name
- Affiliation
- Position (engineer, user office staff, beamline scientist, etc.)
- Very short description of your tasks
- Requested host
- Are you already in contact with this host?
- 2nd/ 3rd choice for the host (if applicable)
- Planned duration of your stay (3 to 5 days, please justify if a longer stays is envisaged)
- Short motivation for the application/ expectations
After evaluation of your application you will be informed asap by the CALIPSOplus management.
If you have any question don’t hesitate to contact us. It will be a pleasure for us to answer your questions.
Contact the CALIPSOplus Management
Dr. Barbara Schramm HZDR – Research Programmes and International Projects |
Dr. Mandy Grobosch HZDR – Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research |
Tel.: +49 351 260 – 2684 Fax: +49 351 260 – 12684 E-Mail: |
Tel.: +49 351 260 – 3342 E-Mail: |